In an era marked by unprecedented change, turbulence, and uncertainty, the challenges faced by social service agencies (SSAs) are increasingly complex and multidimensional. The imperative for transformation and collaboration has become undeniable, as it is through collective efforts that sustainable solutions can be forged to address the pressing social issues of our time.
Explore the transformative capacity in forging collaborative alliances and partnerships. This workshop is designed specifically for partnership implementers within SSAs, providing them with the platform to comprehend emerging challenges within the sector and explore innovative solutions through expanded partnerships. You will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your existing stakeholder relationships and explore advantages and challenges of collaborations and of including new partnerships and collaborations in alignment with your strategic priorities. You will identify potential priority partners using a partnership matrix, and develop an action plan to design win-win collaborations and onboard them in the next 2 years. The action plan will include resources you require to actualise the plan, which you can use to secure resources from your leaders.
- A customised ecosystem map of new stakeholders and partners for the future
- A priority list of partners to support your SSA’s strategic priorities in the immediate future
- A structured action plan to design and onboard win-win collaborations in the next 2 years
Workshop Objectives:
At the end of the workshop partnership implementers will be:
- Empowered to excel in collaborative alliances and partnerships.
- Equipped to navigate future sector challenges through partnerships.
- Enabled to activate priority partnerships or develop in-house capacity for partnership development.